Welcome to my Sweet and Simple blog. I am a mama to 5 crazy kids, ages 2 years to 14! When I'm not picking up toys and cleaning....I am cooking, crafting, and writing reviews! This blog is PR Friendly!

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: Time To Take A Relaxing Shower...

Or NOT!...This is what I found in my shower when I decided I wanted to relax!!!
That's a Brown Recluse...poisonous spider!!
See how big it is?? EEEK!

And one more pic...as if you aren't grossed out enough.


  1. Oh My!! NOT what I would want to enter my shower to see!

  2. Yeah, that would have freaked me out! I'm your newest follower and would love for you to follow me back :)


  3. I hate spiders in the shower! I found a black widow the other day and was a little wigged out.

    Thanks for stopping by my blog and following. I am following you back and hope you have a great week :).

  4. That's not a big spider at all. Calm your wildly flailing tits. Or calm your wildly flailing placenta. Or both.
